full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jane Zelikova: The hidden wonders of soil

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But over the last 12,000 years, we have lost billions of tons of corabn from our soil as humans converted gsdlasarns and forests into agricultural fields and range ldans, building roads and ceitis. One of the major drivers of that loss was the plow, which, at the time, was a major tglcohacenoil breakthrough that really revolutionized agriculture and altered the trajectory of human history. With each pass of the plow, those plant roots and soil aggregates that we know are really important are broken apart, exposing carbon to dpscmiooieton. Today we use more than a third of our land to feed and clothe billions of people on this planet. But we're losing our soils at an alnmiarg rate, and with it, we're losing their fertility. Without that soil, it's going to be a lot harder to feed what is going to be close to 10 billion people on this pelnat by 2050. That's going to put a lot more pressure on what is already a disappearing and rugelsiondny underappreciated rersucoe.

Open Cloze

But over the last 12,000 years, we have lost billions of tons of ______ from our soil as humans converted __________ and forests into agricultural fields and range _____, building roads and ______. One of the major drivers of that loss was the plow, which, at the time, was a major _____________ breakthrough that really revolutionized agriculture and altered the trajectory of human history. With each pass of the plow, those plant roots and soil aggregates that we know are really important are broken apart, exposing carbon to _____________. Today we use more than a third of our land to feed and clothe billions of people on this planet. But we're losing our soils at an ________ rate, and with it, we're losing their fertility. Without that soil, it's going to be a lot harder to feed what is going to be close to 10 billion people on this ______ by 2050. That's going to put a lot more pressure on what is already a disappearing and ____________ underappreciated ________.


  1. technological
  2. resoundingly
  3. resource
  4. carbon
  5. cities
  6. lands
  7. decomposition
  8. alarming
  9. grasslands
  10. planet

Original Text

But over the last 12,000 years, we have lost billions of tons of carbon from our soil as humans converted grasslands and forests into agricultural fields and range lands, building roads and cities. One of the major drivers of that loss was the plow, which, at the time, was a major technological breakthrough that really revolutionized agriculture and altered the trajectory of human history. With each pass of the plow, those plant roots and soil aggregates that we know are really important are broken apart, exposing carbon to decomposition. Today we use more than a third of our land to feed and clothe billions of people on this planet. But we're losing our soils at an alarming rate, and with it, we're losing their fertility. Without that soil, it's going to be a lot harder to feed what is going to be close to 10 billion people on this planet by 2050. That's going to put a lot more pressure on what is already a disappearing and resoundingly underappreciated resource.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
changing climate 3
climate change 3
carbon underground 3
carbon cycle 2
microbial carbon 2
agricultural fields 2
climate solution 2

Important Words

  1. aggregates
  2. agricultural
  3. agriculture
  4. alarming
  5. altered
  6. billion
  7. billions
  8. breakthrough
  9. broken
  10. building
  11. carbon
  12. cities
  13. close
  14. clothe
  15. converted
  16. decomposition
  17. disappearing
  18. drivers
  19. exposing
  20. feed
  21. fertility
  22. fields
  23. forests
  24. grasslands
  25. harder
  26. history
  27. human
  28. humans
  29. important
  30. land
  31. lands
  32. losing
  33. loss
  34. lost
  35. lot
  36. major
  37. pass
  38. people
  39. planet
  40. plant
  41. plow
  42. pressure
  43. put
  44. range
  45. rate
  46. resoundingly
  47. resource
  48. revolutionized
  49. roads
  50. roots
  51. soil
  52. soils
  53. technological
  54. time
  55. today
  56. tons
  57. trajectory
  58. underappreciated
  59. years